Monday, July 25, 2011

Il più indie di tutti i crowdfunding

Al via un mio nuovo, piccolo progetto. Il sito appositamente allestito dice già tutto, penso, perciò visitatelo:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why I'm not on Google+

Having a large number of friends — and not in the Facebook sense — I'm not surprised that I received several invitations to Google's new "social network", Google+. Instead of rushing headlong into it, though, I let those invitations rest for a while, while considering whether joining would actually do me any good.
I'm glad I was cautious. In almost no time, and with no effort on my part, I received enough off-putting, if unsurprising, news to decidedly make my mind.
Google+ terms of service and policy are as always geared towards the benefit and safety of Google, not my benefit and safety. They are explicitly sex-negative, even going so far as removing a specific exception for art nudes which was previously in place. They are chicken-hearted blanket statements meant to empower the company to arbitrarily disallow content on a case-by-case basis, which amounts to censorship. Cue the completely arbitrary ban of Anonymous. What does that remind me of? Oh, yeah…

Well, I'm not joining. I didn't resist joining Facebook for so long just to impulse-subscribe a service which is just the same, affected by just the same liabilities and involving just the same dangers. For the time being, I'll go on using the (specifically as my sole "social network" provider.
My connections — the real-life ones — are an asset to a company like Google, and what has Google done to merit me gifting them with my assets? My demands weren't that high either: just by doing nothing at all they'd have qualified as exceeding my expectations. But no, they censored content and people, instead.
I'm actually beginning to feel uncomfortable having my e-mail, blog and a couple in-development websites all hosted by Google: surrendering this much of myself to a company was a mistake. At the time, they looked like the safest of companies, but I was just young and naive: big business is big business, and in the end their friendly facade is crumbling and revealing the extent of the lie. I will go looking for alternatives. So, maybe I ought to thank Google+ for raising my awareness of the problem.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

La colletta è stata un successo

Mi scuso innanzitutto, perché questo post sarebbe dovuto comparire due giorni fa, al momento in cui — nel pomeriggio del 29 giugno — l'obiettivo designato è stato raggiunto. Dovevamo raccogliere 800 euro entro il giorno 29, e infatti…


(un successo al 104%)

Grazie a:
Andrea, Antonio, Ariele, Barbara, Davide, Evelyn, Lapo, Lorenzo, Luca, Luca, Mario, Matteo, Mauro, Niccolò, Nicola, Paolo, Raffaele, Simone, Simone, Tazio, Teresa, Vittorio, Yves,
Associazione Culturale Janus e Hotel Royal Palace.

Ciascuno ha contribuito secondo le proprie possibilità e alcuni hanno dato tutto sé stessi per passione.

Un po' di statistiche, per soddisfare la vostra curiosità. Abbiamo ricevuto:
  • 1 donazione generosissima di € 280
  • 1 donazione "supporter" di € 100
  • 1 donazione "platinum++" di € 50
  • 4 donazioni "platinum" di € 30
  • 2 donazioni "gold+" di € 25
  • 7 donazioni "gold" di € 20
  • 4 donazioni "silver+" di € 15
  • 2 donazioni "silver" di € 10
  • 2 donazioni "non ci perdi niente" di € 5
e l'hotel ha contribuito offrendo sconti a tutti ai donatori e ospitalità a Ben Lehman.

Ancora grazie a tutti, ma questa volta a titolo personale, da uno che spera in un mondo nel quale i giocatori si spostano e si incontrano cento volte di più — perché, lo credo sinceramente, confrontare esperienze diverse fa bene a noi e fa bene al gioco di ruolo.